
Jack-Ash lying at anchor off the Jeep Beach near Atlantic City, NJ.Photo by Ed Wise

Jack-Ash lying at anchor off the Jeep Beach near Atlantic City, NJ.

Photo by Ed Wise

Jack-Ash is a 24' 2013 Bentley Encore pontoon boat which I added new to my "fleet" when I became a grandfather.  None of my kids never really got into sailing, so I figured, if I'm going to have any undue influence over my grandchildren, I would need a stable platform from which all kinds of crazy water activities can be perpetrated.  There is really no better family boat than a pontoon, in my humble opinion, so, after grandson number two was born, this beauty became mine.  The name?  I was never into marine cliché names, but I wanted to give her a name that would definitely draw attention to her radio call.  My first grandson was named after my father, Ashton, and number two was named, just to be cool, Jackson.  A good play on words is always good for some laughs, and also easily remembered, so what else could I chose?  I knew quite well that there would be those boaters who just wouldn't get with the flow of the name and call her Jackass, but they get corrected quickly.  The Coast Guard hasn't gotten it wrong yet!  You can follow some of her adventures as well since Jack-Ash, under my prodding, refuses to behave like a pontoon boat, staying in the quiet backwaters, by venturing out into the big lakes and bays from Lake George, NY to the Chesapeake Bay and New York Harbor.