I think it was about four years ago that i made my last blog entry because, well, I’m just so easily distracted from things that I even forgot I had website and a blog. I also went through a time of introspection during which I realized that not everyone gives a tinker’s damn about much of what I have to say. I stopped posting on Facebook every time I did something with one of my boats or had an opinion about current events. The only exception to FB posts are the shares of others’ posts that I found of personal interest and value. At any rate, I figured that I pay for this website and have access to this blog, so why not put it to use. I suppose there might be some people out there who would find interest or value in my minds meanderings, so, hopefully, I’ll pay a bit more attention to keeping the website up to date and unloading on the unsuspecting my words from the Wise! Afterall, since you have to make some kind of specific effort to access my site, I figure that those that give it a try and find it not of their liking will just not access the site again. That’s so much easier that unfriending someone on FB!